Kana Quest
Kana Quest is a puzzle game that teaches you how to read Japanese Hiragana. Each puzzle is a grid of different Hiragana that can be moved around. Adjacent Hiragana will connect to each other if the pronunciations share a common sound. So a Ka and a Na would connect as they both have an "a" sound. The player will rearrange the Hiragana to make one continuous connection between all the Hiragana in a level. When the player does this the puzzle will be complete. Some puzzles require figuring out the correct order of Hiragana. And others require the player to figure out the pronunciation of a Hiragana by looking at what connects with what.
Kana Quest - Fact Sheet
Developer: Not Dead Design
Publisher: Whitethorn Games
Release Date: March 12th, 2020
Platforms: PC, Nintendo Switch
Genre: Puzzle, Educational, Strategy
ESRB Rating: E
Website: https://www.kanaquestgame.com
Twitter: @KanaQuest
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KanaQuest
Press Contacts: hello@whitethorngames.com
Julian Sanchez and Leina Burton!