Whitethorn Games is excited to announce our Extra Life Charity Marathon to raise funds for our local Children’s Miracle Network at AHN Saint Vincent Hospital! On Saturday, November 4, we will be live from our studio in Erie, Pennsylvania, for at least 12 hours of games, giveaways, and great times!
We invite you to stop by the Whitethorn Games Twitch channel and enjoy the event with us, check out the special activities we have in store, and meet our adorable office cat, Venti.
One hundred percent of the proceeds raised through our Extra Life Charity Marathon will be donated to our local children’s hospital, AHN Saint Vincent, which has worked tirelessly to provide specialized care for Erie’s most vulnerable community members.
To find out exactly what we have in store, you can check out the full list of activities below:
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Plain text version of this image can be found here.
Plain text version of this image can be found here.
Children’s Miracle Network at AHN Saint Vincent provides services that benefit families and patients, including the hospital’s Family Assistance Program, Safe Sleep Initiative, Special Delivery Packages, and more. Through these programs, families receive gas cards and meal cards, as well as car seats and pack-and-play. Every baby born at AHN Saint Vincent receives a Special Delivery Package, including a onesie, sippy cup and sleep sack to help prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome(SIDS). In addition, Children’s Miracle Network funds top-of-the-line medical equipment like the isolettes in the NICU, warmers on the Mom+ Baby floor, and the NICU transporter that provides everything a NICU pod has to treat a baby if they need to be transferred via ambulance or helicopter.
Donations recieved through events like Extra Life are integral in supporting these important, life-saving services to their most vulnerable patients, regardless of the family’s ability to pay. Now more than ever, our families need CMNs’ support with gas cards and meal cards, car seats, pack and plays, and more. Most importantly, CMN funds top-of-the-line medical equipment suitable to each child’s needs to ensure they not only survive but thrive. The funds recieved through partnerships and events like these also help the hospital provide a chance for the children under their care, things that allow them a break from the stress of facing one of the most challenging things in their young lives. Most recently, because of funds raised through Extra Life, CMN was able to purchase a gaming tower with a loaded Nintendo Switch for their patients on the pediatric unit!
Eager to contribute to a fantastic cause? Visit https://www.extra-life.org/team/64269 to donate to our team.
Keep an eye on our socials for the latest news and announcements by following us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitch, by joining the official Whitethorn Games Discord, and by visiting https://whitethorngames.com. And if you’d like to help us spread the word, any shares to your own network would be greatly appreciated.