Slime Heroes Accessibility
Use a slider to increase or decrease the time allotted for timed puzzles and the speed of moving platforms.
Select easy, medium, or hard difficulty when creating a character. This can be edited at any time.
Use sliders to increase or decrease any of the following.
Incoming enemy damage.
Incoming world damage.
Outgoing player damage.
The rate of player stamina regeneration.
The speed of incoming enemy attacks.
Play in windowed or fullscreen mode.
Input and Button Presses
Remap all inputs on both controller and keyboard.
Switch crawling from a button hold to toggle.
Switch long jumping from a button hold to toggle.
Toggle whether the player character dodges in the direction they are facing or if they dodge towards the mouse
Audio Accessibility
Separately adjust audio channels for:
Sound effects
Visual Accessibility
Outline the player character with either black or white.
Show an arrow in front of the player character to indicate movement and attack direction
Adjust the cursor’s visual traits:
Show or hide HUD
Dialogue and Text
All spoken dialogue is subtitled.
All major characters have spoken dialogue in English. Subtitles can be in any language provided by the game.
Dialogue can be reread by speaking to a character again.
On-Screen Movement and Visual Effects
Enable or disable flashing lights.
Enable or disable camera shake.
Increase or decrease camera sway with a slider.